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[綜合討論] 討論-中文英文那個語言比較優勝?

發表於 24-9-2006 19:28:29 | 顯示全部樓層
no la
most of the chinese words are 形聲字. We cannot directly realize the meaning by looking at the figure of the word...
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發表於 24-9-2006 21:20:12 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by [S]lsp at 2006-9-24 20:11:
ya, 中文字的確有形聲字, 但看到就讀得出嗎? 未必. 何況, 要說看到就讀得出的話, 英文更勝一籌.
的確, 單看「forest」一字的確不想象不到森林, 在中文字看則很明白, 很多「木」, 很明白. 可是看了也不明不白字亦 ...

Please notice that I support English, not Chinese.
Chinese Characters are really difficult to learn for adults from other countries....A word with different combinations have different meanings, e.g. 水泥,水準....
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